The previous edition of this post was cleaned up by a suggestion from another Haskeller. I share it with you here.
The last article this is riffing off of
First, a new function thanks to this comment.
omitNulls :: [(Text, Value)] -> Value
omitNulls = object . filter notNull where
notNull (_, Null) = False
notNull _ = True
Here's the old code
-- for comments that explain components, see old article, link at top
instance ToJSON SimpleQueryStringQuery where
toJSON (SimpleQueryStringQuery sqsQueryString
sqsFields sqsBoolean sqsAnalyzer
sqsFlags sqsLowercaseExpanded sqsLocale) =
object conjoined
where base = [ "query" .= toJSON sqsQueryString ]
maybeAdd =
catMaybes [ mField "fields" sqsFields -- each mField is Maybe Pair
, mField "default_operator" sqsBoolean
, mField "analyzer" sqsAnalyzer
, mField "flags" sqsFlags
, mField "lowercase_expanded_terms" sqsLowercaseExpanded
, mField "locale" sqsLocale ]
conjoined = base ++ maybeAdd
The new code speaks for itself, I think.
instance ToJSON SimpleQueryStringQuery where
toJSON SimpleQueryStringQuery {..} =
omitNulls [ "query" .= toJSON simpleQueryStringQuery
, "fields" .= simpleQueryStringField
, "default_operator" .= simpleQueryStringOperator
, "analyzer" .= simpleQueryStringAnalyzer
, "flags" .= simpleQueryStringFlags
, "lowercase_expanded_terms" .= simpleQueryStringLowercaseExpanded
, "locale" .= simpleQueryStringLocale ]
The moral of the story
Post your bad code. People will help you improve and you must not pass up that opportunity!