I respin an article originally written in Scala into Haskell, then veer off into the stratosphere.

This is a respin of Levi Notik's article, Levi's was in Scala.

Quoting Levi Notik here because I whole-heartedly agree with him

The basic point that I hope to get across in this post (and the potential follow-ups) is that by encoding our domain into strong types and avoiding side effects we can accomplish a few things:

We can greatly limit the scope of our tests For the tests that still make sense to write, we can write very strong tests By using meaningful values and separating side-effecting functions from pure ones, we can more easily reason about our program

Okay so what are we doing?

We’re going to write a simple service that takes a form filled out by a user, sends an email based on that form, and then records that event to a database.

First, let us do this the bad way.

data Email = Email {
    toAddress     :: T.Text
  , fromAddress   :: T.Text
  , emailBody     :: T.Text
  , recipientName :: T.Text
} deriving (Eq, Show)

Well, this is not great. We can end up making mistakes like:

main = do
  sendEmail myEmail
  where to   = "[email protected]"
        from = "[email protected]"
        body = "hi!"
        name = "Levi"
        -- I've mixed up the order of from & to!
        myEmail = Email from to body name
        -- disastrous.

So let us give the type system a little more information.

newtype ToAddress     = ToAddress     T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype FromAddress   = FromAddress   T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype EmailBody     = EmailBody     T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype RecipientName = RecipientName T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)

data Email = Email {
    toAddress     :: ToAddress
  , fromAddress   :: FromAddress
  , emailBody     :: EmailBody
  , recipientName :: RecipientName
} deriving (Eq, Show)

Now the type system should catch when we've mixed things up. This can become very important when all your data is String this, Integer that, yadda yadda. Newtypes are more informative and enforce things better.

In the REPL (I'm using cabal repl with a throw-away project):

Prelude> let to   = ToAddress "[email protected]"
Prelude> let from = FromAddress "[email protected]"
Prelude> let body = EmailBody "hi!"
Prelude> let name = RecipientName "Levi"

Prelude> let myEmail = Email from to emailBody recipientName

    Couldn't match expected typeToAddress                with actual typeFromAddress    In the first argument ofEmail’, namely ‘from’
    In the expression: Email from to emailBody recipientName

    Couldn't match expected typeFromAddress                with actual typeToAddress    In the second argument ofEmail’, namely ‘to’
    In the expression: Email from to emailBody recipientName

Cool! Now we don't have to worry about transposition errors.

Now lets talk about validating emails. First a few notes. The original article uses regex. Haskellers...aren't fond of regex. It tends to be write-once understand-never. We also have really good parsing libraries, so we tend to use those instead since they're often very fast too.

Fortunately, George Pollard has already written an uncommonly rigorous email validation library so I'm going to use that.

Business-y note: don't consider emails validated until they've been activated via a link that was emailed. Syntactic validation means nada. Consider email validation an opportunity to help your user not make mistakes, not a punitive "I GATCHA" moment.

Moving right along.

Using George's library, I tested the validate function which has type: ByteString -> Either String Text.Email.Parser.EmailAddress

Which is saying, "give me a ByteString and I'll give you either a String explaining why the parse failed or an email address".

Using that we can hide the constructors for our Email data type and make it an abstract data type.

So I'm going to change my module declaration from:

module Email where

Which by default will expose everything, to:

module Email
       (  Email
       ,  validate
       , ToAddress(..)
       , FromAddress(..)
       , EmailBody(..)
       , RecipientName(..)

(..) is how you tell Haskell "export all constructors" - in Email's case, I'm not. Instead, I'm going to write an export a smart constructor.

First we're going to change the Bool we get from George's library to a Maybe using the bool catamorphism.

Prelude> import Data.Bool (bool)
Prelude> :t bool
bool :: a -> a -> Bool -> a

Prelude> bool 0 1 True
Prelude> bool 0 1 False

Here's my somewhat overwrought smart constructor for Email:

mkEmail :: ToAddress
        -> FromAddress
        -> EmailBody
        -> RecipientName
        -> Maybe Email
mkEmail to@(ToAddress toTxt) from@(FromAddress fromTxt)
        body name = Email <$> mTo <*> mFrom <*> pure body <*> pure name
  where mValid      x = bool Nothing (Just x)
        mTo           = mValid to $ isValid $ encodeUtf8 toTxt
        mFrom         = mValid from $ isValid $ encodeUtf8 fromTxt

Now lets test it in my REPL:

Prelude> let to   = ToAddress "[email protected]"
Prelude> let from = FromAddress "[email protected]"
Prelude> let body = EmailBody "hi!"
Prelude> let name = RecipientName "Levi"

Prelude> mkEmail to from body name
Just (Email {toAddress = ToAddress "[email protected]",
             fromAddress = FromAddress "[email protected]",
             emailBody = EmailBody "hi!",
             recipientName = RecipientName "Levi"})

Prelude> mkEmail (ToAddress "PLAID") from body name


But lets make this more informative, how do I know what failed? How do I dispatch on what failed so I can tell the user what to fix?!



mkEmail :: ToAddress
        -> FromAddress
        -> EmailBody
        -> RecipientName
        -> Validation [EmailErrors] Email
mkEmail to@(ToAddress toTxt) from@(FromAddress fromTxt)
        body name = Email <$> toV <*> fromV <*> pure body <*> pure name
  where toB   = isValid $ encodeUtf8 toTxt
        fromB = isValid $ encodeUtf8 fromTxt
        toV   = bool (Failure [ToAddressDidntParse]) (Success to) toB
        fromV = bool (Failure [FromAddressDidntParse]) (Success from) fromB

data EmailErrors = ToAddressDidntParse
                 | FromAddressDidntParse deriving (Eq, Show)

From my REPL again:

Prelude> let to   = ToAddress "[email protected]"
Prelude> let from = FromAddress "[email protected]"
Prelude> let body = EmailBody "hi!"
Prelude> let name = RecipientName "Levi"

Prelude> mkEmail to from body name
Success (Email {toAddress = ToAddress "[email protected]",
                fromAddress = FromAddress "[email protected]",
                emailBody = EmailBody "hi!",
                recipientName = RecipientName "Levi"})

Prelude> mkEmail (ToAddress "PLAID") from body name
Failure [ToAddressDidntParse]
Prelude> mkEmail (ToAddress "PLAID") (FromAddress "TROLOLOL") body name
Failure [ToAddressDidntParse,FromAddressDidntParse]

Bada bing. Now lets do it with JSON.

I'm just going to dump the whole schmiel this time.

module Email
       ( Email
       , ToAddress(..)
       , FromAddress(..)
       , EmailBody(..)
       , RecipientName(..)
       ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (join, mzero)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, eitherDecode, Value(..), (.:), parseJSON)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack)
import Data.Either (either)
import Data.Either.Validation
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Text.Email.Validate (isValid)

newtype ToAddress     = ToAddress     T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype FromAddress   = FromAddress   T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype EmailBody     = EmailBody     T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype RecipientName = RecipientName T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)

data Email = Email {
    toAddress     :: ToAddress
  , fromAddress   :: FromAddress
  , emailBody     :: EmailBody
  , recipientName :: RecipientName
} deriving (Eq, Show)

validateEmail :: T.Text -> Bool
validateEmail = isValid . encodeUtf8

type EmailValidation a = Validation [EmailErrors] a

mkEmail :: ToAddress
        -> FromAddress
        -> EmailBody
        -> RecipientName
        -> EmailValidation Email
mkEmail to@(ToAddress toTxt) from@(FromAddress fromTxt)
        body name = Email <$> toV <*> fromV <*> pure body <*> pure name
  where toB   = validateEmail toTxt
        fromB = validateEmail fromTxt
        toV   = bool (Failure [ToAddressDidntParse]) (Success to) toB
        fromV = bool (Failure [FromAddressDidntParse]) (Success from) fromB

data EmailErrors = ToAddressDidntParse
                 | FromAddressDidntParse
                 | BadJsonForEmail String deriving (Eq, Show)

goodJson :: BL.ByteString
goodJson = pack $
           unlines ["{\"to\":   \"[email protected]\",",
                    "\"from\": \"[email protected]\",",
                    "\"body\": \"hello!\",",
                    "\"name\": \"Levi\"}"]

jsonMissingKey :: BL.ByteString
jsonMissingKey = pack $
          unlines ["{\"to\":   \"[email protected]\",",
                   "\"from\": \"[email protected]\",",
                   "\"body\": \"hello!\"}"]

jsonBadEmail :: BL.ByteString
jsonBadEmail = pack $
          unlines ["{\"to\":   \"[email protected]\",",
                   "\"from\": \"chrisLOL\",",
                   "\"body\": \"hello!\",",
                   "\"name\": \"Levi\"}"]

instance FromJSON ToAddress where
  parseJSON (String v) = bool (fail "ToAddress failed validation")
                         (pure (ToAddress v)) (validateEmail v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON FromAddress where
  parseJSON (String v) = bool (fail "FromAddress failed validation")
                         (pure (FromAddress v)) (validateEmail v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON EmailBody where
  parseJSON (String v) = pure (EmailBody v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON RecipientName where
  parseJSON (String v) = pure (RecipientName v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation Email) where
  parseJSON (Object v) = mkEmail     <$>
                         v .: "to"   <*>
                         v .: "from" <*>
                         v .: "body" <*>
                         v .: "name"
  parseJSON _          = mzero

parseEmailJSON :: BL.ByteString -> EmailValidation Email
parseEmailJSON = either (Failure . return . BadJsonForEmail) id . eitherDecode

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let printJSON = print . parseEmailJSON
  printJSON goodJson
  printJSON jsonMissingKey
  printJSON jsonBadEmail

Also I got help from a bot in improving my code:

05:17 < bitemyapp> @pl parseEmailJSON x = either (\y -> Failure [BadJsonForEmail y]) id $ eitherDecode x
05:17 < lambdabot> parseEmailJSON = either (Failure . return . BadJsonForEmail) id . eitherDecode

Here's the result in our REPL:

Prelude> parseEmailJSON goodJson
Success (Email {toAddress = ToAddress "[email protected]",
                fromAddress = FromAddress "[email protected]",
                emailBody = EmailBody "hello!",
                recipientName = RecipientName "Levi"})

Prelude> parseEmailJSON jsonMissingKey
Failure [BadJsonForEmail "key \"name\" not present"]

Prelude> parseEmailJSON jsonBadEmail
Failure [BadJsonForEmail "FromAddress failed validation"]

Not totally satisfied with the result, I'd like to lift the errors properly but Aeson really likes it some Either String...sadly. Should've left the a in Either a b unapplied.

Update - later that evening

I got the Validation stuff lifted properly. I'm not yet fully satisfied but this at least demonstrates how to do it.

From my REPL:

Prelude> parseEmailJSON goodJson
Success (Email {toAddress = ToAddress "[email protected]",
                fromAddress = FromAddress "[email protected]",
                emailBody = EmailBody "hello!",
                recipientName = RecipientName "Levi"})

Prelude> parseEmailJSON jsonMissingKey
Failure [BadJsonForEmail "key \"name\" not present"]
Prelude> parseEmailJSON jsonBadEmail
Failure [BadJsonFromAddress]

Code dump:

module Email
       ( Email
       , ToAddress(..)
       , FromAddress(..)
       , EmailBody(..)
       , RecipientName(..)
       ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (join, mzero)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, eitherDecode, Value(..), (.:), parseJSON)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack)
import Data.Either (either)
import Data.Either.Validation
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Text.Email.Validate (isValid)

newtype ToAddress     = ToAddress     T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype FromAddress   = FromAddress   T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype EmailBody     = EmailBody     T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype RecipientName = RecipientName T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)

data Email = Email {
    toAddress     :: ToAddress
  , fromAddress   :: FromAddress
  , emailBody     :: EmailBody
  , recipientName :: RecipientName
} deriving (Eq, Show)

validateEmail :: T.Text -> Bool
validateEmail = isValid . encodeUtf8

type EmailValidation a = Validation [EmailErrors] a

mkEmailV :: EmailValidation ToAddress
        -> EmailValidation FromAddress
        -> EmailValidation EmailBody
        -> EmailValidation RecipientName
        -> EmailValidation Email
mkEmailV to from body name = Email <$> to <*> from <*> body <*> name

data EmailErrors = ToAddressDidntParse
                 | FromAddressDidntParse
                 | BadJsonForEmail String
                 | BadJsonToAddress
                 | BadJsonFromAddress deriving (Eq, Show)

goodJson :: BL.ByteString
goodJson = pack $
           unlines ["{\"to\":   \"[email protected]\",",
                    "\"from\": \"[email protected]\",",
                    "\"body\": \"hello!\",",
                    "\"name\": \"Levi\"}"]

jsonMissingKey :: BL.ByteString
jsonMissingKey = pack $
          unlines ["{\"to\":   \"[email protected]\",",
                   "\"from\": \"[email protected]\",",
                   "\"body\": \"hello!\"}"]

jsonBadEmail :: BL.ByteString
jsonBadEmail = pack $
          unlines ["{\"to\":   \"[email protected]\",",
                   "\"from\": \"chrisLOL\",",
                   "\"body\": \"hello!\",",
                   "\"name\": \"Levi\"}"]

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation ToAddress) where
  parseJSON (String v) = bool (pure . Failure $ [BadJsonToAddress])
                         ((pure . pure) $ (ToAddress v)) (validateEmail v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation FromAddress) where
  parseJSON (String v) = bool (pure . Failure $ [BadJsonFromAddress])
                         ((pure . pure) $ (FromAddress v)) (validateEmail v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation EmailBody) where
  parseJSON (String v) = (pure . pure) $ (EmailBody v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation RecipientName) where
  parseJSON (String v) = (pure . pure) $ (RecipientName v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation Email) where
  parseJSON (Object v) =    mkEmailV <$>
                         v .: "to"   <*>
                         v .: "from" <*>
                         v .: "body" <*>
                         v .: "name"
  parseJSON _          = mzero

parseEmailJSON :: BL.ByteString -> EmailValidation Email
parseEmailJSON = either (Failure . return . BadJsonForEmail) id . eitherDecode

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let printJSON = print . parseEmailJSON
  printJSON goodJson
  printJSON jsonMissingKey
  printJSON jsonBadEmail

Update - later later that evening

After some refactoring, I got to this:

module Email
       ( Email
       , ToAddress(..)
       , FromAddress(..)
       , EmailBody(..)
       , RecipientName(..)
       ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (join, mzero)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bool (bool)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack)
import Data.Either (either)
import qualified Data.Either.Validation as V
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Text.Email.Validate (isValid)

newtype Email         = Email         T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype ToAddress     = ToAddress     Email  deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype FromAddress   = FromAddress   Email  deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype EmailBody     = EmailBody     T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype RecipientName = RecipientName T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)

data EmailForm = EmailForm {
    toAddress     :: ToAddress
  , fromAddress   :: FromAddress
  , emailBody     :: EmailBody
  , recipientName :: RecipientName
} deriving (Eq, Show)

validateEmail :: T.Text -> Bool
validateEmail = isValid . encodeUtf8

validEmail :: T.Text -> Maybe Email
validEmail v = if validateEmail v then
                 Just (Email v)

type EmailValidation a = V.Validation [EmailErrors] a

mkEmail :: ToAddress
        -> FromAddress
        -> EmailBody
        -> RecipientName
        -> EmailValidation EmailForm
mkEmail to@(ToAddress (Email toTxt)) from@(FromAddress (Email fromTxt))
        body name = EmailForm <$> toV <*> fromV <*> pure body <*> pure name
  where toB   = validateEmail toTxt
        fromB = validateEmail fromTxt
        toV   = bool (V.Failure [ToAddressDidntParse]) (V.Success to) toB
        fromV = bool (V.Failure [FromAddressDidntParse]) (V.Success from) fromB

mkEmailV :: EmailValidation ToAddress
        -> EmailValidation FromAddress
        -> EmailValidation EmailBody
        -> EmailValidation RecipientName
        -> EmailValidation EmailForm
mkEmailV to from body name = EmailForm <$> to <*> from <*> body <*> name

data EmailErrors = ToAddressDidntParse
                 | FromAddressDidntParse
                 | BadJsonForEmail String
                 | BadJsonToAddress
                 | BadJsonFromAddress
                 | BadJsonEmailBody
                 | BadJsonRecipientName deriving (Eq, Show)

goodJson :: BL.ByteString
goodJson = pack $
           unlines ["{\"to\":   \"[email protected]\",",
                    "\"from\": \"[email protected]\",",
                    "\"body\": \"hello!\",",
                    "\"name\": \"Levi\"}"]

jsonMissingKey :: BL.ByteString
jsonMissingKey = pack $
          unlines ["{\"to\":   \"[email protected]\",",
                   "\"from\": \"[email protected]\",",
                   "\"body\": \"hello!\"}"]

jsonBadEmail :: BL.ByteString
jsonBadEmail = pack $
          unlines ["{\"to\":   \"[email protected]\",",
                   "\"from\": \"chrisLOL\",",
                   "\"body\": \"hello!\",",
                   "\"name\": \"Levi\"}"]

instance FromJSON Email where
  parseJSON (String v) = bool (fail "Email failed validation")
                         (pure (Email v)) (validateEmail v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON ToAddress where
  parseJSON (String v) = case validEmail v of
    (Just _) -> pure (ToAddress (Email v))
    Nothing  -> fail "ToAddress email failed validation"
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON FromAddress where
  parseJSON (String v) = case validEmail v of
    (Just _) -> pure (FromAddress (Email v))
    Nothing  -> fail "FromAddress email failed validation"
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON EmailBody where
  parseJSON (String v) = pure (EmailBody v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON RecipientName where
  parseJSON (String v) = pure (RecipientName v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

getJSON :: (FromJSON a, Applicative f) =>
           e -> (a -> b) -> Value -> f (V.Validation [e] b)
getJSON e f v = case from of
  (Error _) -> pure $ V.Failure [e]
  (Success a) -> pure $ V.Success (f a)
  where from = fromJSON v

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation ToAddress) where
  parseJSON = getJSON BadJsonToAddress ToAddress

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation FromAddress) where
  parseJSON = getJSON BadJsonFromAddress FromAddress

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation EmailBody) where
  parseJSON = getJSON BadJsonEmailBody id

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation RecipientName) where
  parseJSON = getJSON BadJsonRecipientName id

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation EmailForm) where
  parseJSON (Object v) =    mkEmailV  <$>
                         v .: "to"   <*>
                         v .: "from" <*>
                         v .: "body" <*>
                         v .: "name"
  parseJSON _          = mzero

parseEmailJSON :: BL.ByteString -> EmailValidation EmailForm
parseEmailJSON = either (V.Failure . return . BadJsonForEmail) id . eitherDecode

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let printJSON = print . parseEmailJSON
  printJSON goodJson
  printJSON jsonMissingKey
  printJSON jsonBadEmail

Update - later later later that evening

module Email
       ( Email
       , ToAddress(..)
       , FromAddress(..)
       , EmailBody(..)
       , RecipientName(..)
       ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (join, mzero)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bool (bool)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack)
import Data.Either (either)
import qualified Data.Either.Validation as V
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Text.Email.Validate (isValid)

newtype Email         = Email         T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype ToAddress     = ToAddress     Email  deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype FromAddress   = FromAddress   Email  deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype EmailBody     = EmailBody     T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype RecipientName = RecipientName T.Text deriving (Eq, Show)

data EmailForm = EmailForm {
    toAddress     :: ToAddress
  , fromAddress   :: FromAddress
  , emailBody     :: EmailBody
  , recipientName :: RecipientName
} deriving (Eq, Show)

validateEmail :: T.Text -> Bool
validateEmail = isValid . encodeUtf8

validEmail :: T.Text -> Maybe Email
validEmail v = if validateEmail v then
                 Just (Email v)

type EmailValidation a = V.Validation [EmailErrors] a

mkEmail :: ToAddress
        -> FromAddress
        -> EmailBody
        -> RecipientName
        -> EmailValidation EmailForm
mkEmail to@(ToAddress (Email toTxt)) from@(FromAddress (Email fromTxt))
        body name = EmailForm <$> toV <*> fromV <*> pure body <*> pure name
  where toB   = validateEmail toTxt
        fromB = validateEmail fromTxt
        toV   = bool (V.Failure [ToAddressDidntParse]) (V.Success to) toB
        fromV = bool (V.Failure [FromAddressDidntParse]) (V.Success from) fromB

mkEmailV :: EmailValidation ToAddress
        -> EmailValidation FromAddress
        -> EmailValidation EmailBody
        -> EmailValidation RecipientName
        -> EmailValidation EmailForm
mkEmailV to from body name = EmailForm <$> to <*> from <*> body <*> name

data EmailErrors = ToAddressDidntParse
                 | FromAddressDidntParse
                 | BadJsonForEmail String
                 | BadJsonToAddress String
                 | BadJsonFromAddress String
                 | BadJsonEmailBody String
                 | BadJsonRecipientName String deriving (Eq, Show)

goodJson :: BL.ByteString
goodJson = pack $
           unlines ["{\"to\":   \"[email protected]\",",
                    "\"from\": \"[email protected]\",",
                    "\"body\": \"hello!\",",
                    "\"name\": \"Levi\"}"]

jsonMissingKey :: BL.ByteString
jsonMissingKey = pack $
          unlines ["{\"to\":   \"[email protected]\",",
                   "\"from\": \"[email protected]\",",
                   "\"body\": \"hello!\"}"]

jsonBadEmail :: BL.ByteString
jsonBadEmail = pack $
          unlines ["{\"to\":   \"[email protected]\",",
                   "\"from\": \"chrisLOL\",",
                   "\"body\": \"hello!\",",
                   "\"name\": \"Levi\"}"]

instance FromJSON Email where
  parseJSON (String v) = bool (fail "Email failed validation")
                         (pure (Email v)) (validateEmail v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

maybeEmail eStr f v = maybe (fail eStr) (const (pure (f v))) (validEmail v)

instance FromJSON ToAddress where
  parseJSON (String v) = maybeEmail "ToAddress email failed validation"
                         (ToAddress . Email) v
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON FromAddress where
  parseJSON (String v) = maybeEmail "FromAddress email failed validation"
                         (FromAddress . Email) v
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON EmailBody where
  parseJSON (String v) = pure (EmailBody v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON RecipientName where
  parseJSON (String v) = pure (RecipientName v)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

getJSON :: (FromJSON a, Applicative f) =>
           (String -> e) -> (a -> b) -> Value -> f (V.Validation [e] b)
getJSON e f v = case from of
  (Error str)   -> pure $ V.Failure [e str]
  (Success a)   -> pure $ V.Success (f a)
  where from = fromJSON v

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation ToAddress) where
  parseJSON = getJSON BadJsonToAddress ToAddress

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation FromAddress) where
  parseJSON = getJSON BadJsonFromAddress FromAddress

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation EmailBody) where
  parseJSON = getJSON BadJsonEmailBody id

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation RecipientName) where
  parseJSON = getJSON BadJsonRecipientName id

instance FromJSON (EmailValidation EmailForm) where
  parseJSON (Object v) =    mkEmailV  <$>
                         v .: "to"   <*>
                         v .: "from" <*>
                         v .: "body" <*>
                         v .: "name"
  parseJSON _          = mzero

parseEmailJSON :: BL.ByteString -> EmailValidation EmailForm
parseEmailJSON = either (V.Failure . return . BadJsonForEmail) id . eitherDecode

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let printJSON = print . parseEmailJSON
  printJSON goodJson
  printJSON jsonMissingKey
  printJSON jsonBadEmail